Xplornet Limited Email Format


Company Profile

Xplornet Limited is a Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone company. Xplornet Limited SIC code is 4813 and NAICS code is 517311.

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100 employees

Xplornet Limited Employees

LKLisa Keenan
Vice President, Direct Sales and Channel OperationsXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
CMCathy Macdonald
Chief Operating OfficerXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
DADebbie Amery
Executive Vice President, Human ResourcesXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
ALAdam Lamont
Vice President - CCI WirelessXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
RPRushit Panchal
Technical analyst Xplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
JYJordan Young
Vice President - Business DevelopmentXplornet Communications
 @xpl….com(877) Get contact
CSCezary Swiderski @xpl….comGet contact
RARebekka Anderson
Marketing Manager - OperationsXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
ALAllison Lenehan
President and Chief Executive OfficerXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
ACArax Copeman
Director of Consumer MarketingXplornet Communications
 @xpl….comGet contact
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