Specialist Speech and Language Therapist at Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
Winnie Lam is a(n) Specialist Speech and Language Therapist working at Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust.
Get Winnie Lam's email for freeName | Position | Contacts | ||
EJ | Emma Jouzaa | Specialist speech and language therapistCambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust | @ccs.nhs.uk+44 1 | Get contact |
LM | Liz Morris | Specialist Speech and Language TherapistCambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust | @ccs.nhs.uk+44 1 | Get contact |
LM | Laura Mcinnes | Specialist Speech and Language TherapistNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde | @nhs…g.uk+44 1 | Get contact |
HB | Hayley Bryer | Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Stroke)Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust | @hea…s.uk+44 1 | Get contact |
AL | Amy Lavis | Highly Specialist Speech and Language TherapistHeart of England NHS Foundation Trust | @hea…s.uk+44 1 | Get contact |
CR | Cate Reeves | Specialist Speech and Language TherapistSouthern Health NHS Foundation Trust | @sou…s.uk+44 2 | Get contact |
LV | Luke Visser | Clinical Specialist Speech and Language TherapistUniversity College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | @uclh.nhs.uk+44 2 | Get contact |
NS | Norma Shannon | Highly Specialist Speech and Language TherapistBarnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust | @beh…s.uk+44 2 | Get contact |
CB | Caty Bailey | Stroke Specialist Speech and Language TherapistBarts and The London NHS Trust | @bar…s.uk+44 2 | Get contact |
SB | Sarah Braithwaite | Highly Specialist Speech and Language TherapistBarts and The London NHS Trust | @bar…s.uk+44 2 | Get contact |