Vleidmy Velarde's Email Address and Phone Number

BIA Accredited Representative at HIAS Pennsylvania

Vleidmy Velarde is a(n) BIA Accredited Representative working at HIAS Pennsylvania.

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Other employees at HIAS Pennsylvania

MZMichelle Zarate
Interpersonal Violence Legal Assistant, DOJ Accredited RepresentativeHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
SASarah Alarcon
Legal Intern, Youth Advoacy ProjectHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
ECEmma Compton
Crime Victim Advocate & Community LiaisonHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
CSCasey Schu
Asylee Outreach Project NavigatorHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
EJEdwin Jimenez
Executive Assistant To Chief Executive OfficerHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
RTRachel Townzen
Immigrant Victim of Crime Project CoordinatorHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
NDNancy Dordal
Legal InternHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
CMCathryn Miller-Wilson
Executive DirectorHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
YAYazeed Abdullah
Internship: Interpreter & Aid workerHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
RBRona Buchalter
Director of Refugee Programming and PlanningHIAS Pennsylvania
 @hiaspa.org(215) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 13 results

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BIA Accredited RepresentativeAmerican Gateways
 @ame….org(512) Get contact
SMSarah Martin-Torres
Program Coordinator/BIA Accredited RepresentativePennsylvania Immigration Resource Center (PIRC)
 @pirclaw.org(717) Get contact
Displaying 3 of 3 results