Trevor Mcgill's Email Address and Phone Number

Custodial Employee at Evangel College Pre-School

Trevor Mcgill is a(n) Custodial Employee working at Evangel College Pre-School.

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Other employees at Evangel College Pre-School

DDDebbie Difonzo
Enrollment Marketing ManagerEvangel University
 @evangel.eduGet contact
BCBrandy Crawford
Director, Marketing and CommunicationsEvangel University
 @evangel.eduGet contact
LALinda Allen @evangel.eduGet contact
HRHenry Reiber
missionary in residenceEvangel College Pre-School Get contact
RARonald Auch Get contact
NDNancy Donnelly
Technical Services DirectorEvangel College Pre-School Get contact
JMJohn Mcdermott
Human Resources Benefits and Compensation ManagerEvangel College Pre-School Get contact
TMTizmo Mascorro Get contact
MSMary Spence Get contact
TBTony Burrough
Assistant Director for Security CBC/CampusEvangel College Pre-School Get contact
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