Trescal Limited Email Format


Company Profile

Trescal Limited is a Measuring and Controlling Devices, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Trescal Limited SIC code is 3829 and NAICS code is 334519.

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United Kingdom
475 employees

Trescal Limited Employees

PAPierre Ametller
Expert en Métrologie - Responsable laboratoire de MétrologieTrescal Group Get contact
LVLeo Villalobos
Calibration technician II/ Dimensional Layout InspectorTrescal Group Get contact
EMElliot Macey
Calibration EngineerTrescal Group Get contact
CPChristophe Plaud
Directeur d'agenceTrescal Group Get contact
EPErwin Plasman
Technical ConsultantTrescal Group Get contact
CLCory Long
Calibration TechnicianTrescal Group Get contact
HMHarvey Mellard
Calibration TechnicianTrescal Group Get contact
FPFrancois Pechmeja
Responsable des chargés de relations clients de ToulouseTrescal Group Get contact
PRPhilippe Redor
Responsable Infrastructure & Architecte InfrastructureTrescal Group Get contact
LNLoi Nguyen
Account ManagerTrescal Group Get contact
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