Thorsten Simpole's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing Manager at Cineworld Cinemas Ltd

Thorsten Simpole is a(n) Marketing Manager working at Cineworld Cinemas Ltd.

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Other employees at Cineworld Cinemas Ltd

CMChloe Millward @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
AFAshley Farrant @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
SDSharah Davis @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
SFSteven Fcmi
General ManagerCineworld Cinemas Ltd
 @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
HIHadley Ingham @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
PFPaul Foster
General ManagerCineworld Cinemas Ltd
 @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
AAAhmad Almuzany
Management accounts & Purchase LedgerCineworld Cinemas Ltd
 @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
YMYing Man
Cinema Retail ManagerCineworld Cinemas Ltd
 @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
LJLeah Janvier
Starbucks supervisorCineworld Cinemas Ltd
 @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
LBLuke Brookman @cin…o.uk0871  Get contact
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