Thelma Butler's Email Address and Phone Number

Retired at St. Rocco's Hospice

Thelma Butler is a(n) Retired working at St. Rocco's Hospice.

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Other employees at St. Rocco's Hospice

DTDaniel Taylor
Ecommerce ManagerSt. Rocco's Hospice
 @str…g.ukGet contact
JJJana Jurgens @str… 1 Get contact
CBCatherine Bsc
Finance ManagerSt. Rocco's Hospice
 @str… 1 Get contact
PTPaul Tonge
Retail Operations ManagerSt. Rocco's Hospice
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NHNicola Houghton
Hospice volunteerSt. Rocco's Hospice
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RCRoz Coleman
Voluntary Services ManagerSt. Rocco's Hospice
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LTLouise Turnbull
Registered Nurse.St. Rocco's Hospice
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JSJenny Snodgrass
Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive OfficerSt. Rocco's Hospice
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KDKaren Drury
Marketing and Communications OfficerSt. Rocco's Hospice
 @str… 1 Get contact
CBCathy Bakewell
Dancer - partner to novice in the annual 'Strictly St Rocco's'St. Rocco's Hospice
 @str… 1 Get contact
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