Foodland Email Format


Company Profile

Foodland is a Grocery Stores company. Foodland SIC code is 5411 and NAICS code is 445110.

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United States
23 employees

Foodland Employees

BCBenjamin Carrion
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
RWRobbin Wedell
Recently unemployed due to office closingSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
KSKim Shrode
Liquor specialist IISUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
BLBrenda Liggett
Post office/HR ManagerSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
PJPrajwal Jagadeesh
Junior SpecialistSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
DODaniel O'regan
Store AssistantSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
BMBill Middeke
Software Engineer IIISUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
FZFavazzo Zdenka
Operations SpecialistSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
GWGabrielle Ward
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
GMGary Meidinger
Fresh Sales ConsultantSUPERVALU
 @sup….com(952) Get contact
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