Sue Nightingale's Email Address and Phone Number

Head of Wardrobe at Birmingham Repertory Theatre

Sue Nightingale is a(n) Head of Wardrobe working at Birmingham Repertory Theatre.

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Other employees at Birmingham Repertory Theatre

BPBhavik Parmar @bir… 1 Get contact
LFLauren Fallon
Learning & Participation ManagerBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
MTMolly Taylor
Production CoordinatorBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
VEVictoria Ellery-Jones
Marketing Campaign OfficerBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
FTFinley-Rose Townsend
Assistant Youth Theatre DirectorBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
JLJoanna Lucas
Marketing Campaigns OfficerBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
BCBen Cain @bir… 1 Get contact
CMClive Meldrum
Deputy Head of SoundBirmingham Repertory Theatre
 @bir… 1 Get contact
MDMelissa Daly @bir… 1 Get contact
APAmy Passey @bir… 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 28 results

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NHNoelene Hill
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DGDebbie Gamble
Head of WardrobeSheffield Theatres
 @she…o.ukGet contact
JDJacquie Davies @eve….comGet contact
CHCaro Harkness
Head of WardrobeScottish Ballet
 @sco… 1 Get contact
BHBetsy Harris @arv….org(720) Get contact
MJMichelle Jones
Deputy Head of WardrobeShakespeare's Globe
 @sha….com+44 2 Get contact
MRMichael Roff
Head of WardrobeNational Theatre
 @nat… 2 Get contact
FJFelicity Jones
Deputy head of WardrobeNorthampton Theatres Trust
 @roy… 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 12 results