Steve Sampurna's Email Address and Phone Number

Chef de Tournant at The Desmond Hotel Malvern

Steve Sampurna is a(n) Chef de Tournant working at The Desmond Hotel Malvern.

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Other employees at The Desmond Hotel Malvern

SBSteven Bordarrampe @des….com(610) Get contact
JDJason Demetris @des….com(610) Get contact
KMKim Mullen
Sales and Marketing ManagerThe Desmond Hotel Malvern
 @des….com(610) Get contact
JNJennie Norek @des….com(610) Get contact
MRMarc Riley @des….com(610) Get contact
CYChristopher Yamamoto
Director of RestaurantsThe Desmond Hotel Malvern
 @des….com(610) Get contact
LOLauren O'toole @des….com(610) Get contact
Displaying 8 of 8 results

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