Stanford Email Format


Company Profile

Stanford is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Stanford SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
17 employees

Stanford Employees

NHNina Horowitz
Doctoral StudentStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
JFJohn Freshwaters
Chief Information Officer, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental SciencesStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
OOOlamide O. @sta….edu(650) Get contact
LFLijie Fan
Research AssistantStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
BLBingbin Liu
Graduate Teaching Assistant (CS231N)Stanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
DEDr. Eliot
Stanford FellowStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
TMTimothy Machado
Postdoctoral ResearcherStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
JPJames Perkins
Associate Director, Programs and MarketingStanford GSB Executive Education
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
LMLinda Marak
Talent Acquisition AssociateStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
SNSusan Neville
Ass't Director of Admissions - GSBStanford University
 @sta….edu(650) Get contact
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