Stan Thiriet's Email Address and Phone Number

Head of upstream process development - cell culture and viral vectors at Genethon

Stan Thiriet is a(n) Head of upstream process development - cell culture and viral vectors working at Genethon.

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01 69 

Other employees at Genethon

PCPierre-Albert Colcomb
Business Development DirectorGenethon
 @genethon.fr01 69 Get contact
MSManon Sanz
Safety Officer - Clinical DevelopmentGenethon
 @genethon.fr01 69 Get contact
MPMariya Pavlyuk
Clinical Development Director - Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Gene Therapy Genethon
 @genethon.fr01 69 Get contact
ACAngela Columbano
Head Business Development and PartnershipGenethon
 @genethon.fr01 69 Get contact
FRFrederic Revah
Chief Executive OfficerGenethon
 @ypo….com01 69 Get contact
PCPierre-Albert Colcomb
Business Development ManagerGenethon 1 Get contact
FBFrancis Boussicault
Technicien de laboratoireGenethon 1 Get contact
NRNatalia Reyes
Postdoctoral ResearcherGenethon 1 Get contact
SMSamira Mouadi
Assistante de projetGenethon 1 Get contact
EMEmilie Maxel
technicienne de bioproductionGenethon 1 Get contact
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