Sreekanth Reddy's Email Address and Phone Number

Mechanical Field Engineer at BBE Hydro Constructors LP

Sreekanth Reddy is a(n) Mechanical Field Engineer working at BBE Hydro Constructors LP.

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Other employees at BBE Hydro Constructors LP

CMChris Mutter Get contact
PDPierre Ducharme
Procurement SpecialistBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
MSMarcus Sheppard
Concrete Field EngineerBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
EGEileen Greenhalgh
Timekeeper/TravelBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
MPMario Piette Get contact
GHGeoff Horan
Balance of Plant SuperintendentBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
SDSonya Dhami
Manager, Diversity & InclusionBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
SNSteven Newns
Foreman - Journeyman CarpenterBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
JBJohn Bradley
Tower crane operatorBBE Hydro Constructors LP Get contact
BCBrad Chardon Get contact
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