Spelman College Email Format


Company Profile

Spelman College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Spelman College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
673 employees

Spelman College Employees

CCCameron Cullers
Professor of Wellness and FitnessSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
APAlexis Prescott
Wellness Center Front-Desk Associate & Fitness AttendantSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
SMShumika Mainer
Health & Wellness Administration CoordinatorSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
VRVanessa Reeves
Wellness CoachSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
CMCecily M.s.
The Wellness CenterSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
NSNeal Scott
Assistant Director of Campus WellnessSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
CMChandra Mccrary
Interim Vice President/CIOSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
SJShanina Johnson
Assistant Professor of Organic ChemistrySpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
'B'Blanche Bryant'
Manager of Instructional TechnologySpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
BWBrad Walp
Executive Director Enrollment Management and International Academic InitiativesSpelman College
 @spelman.edu+1 (4 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 18 results

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