Sophia Stamos's Email Address and Phone Number

Sales and Marketing Coordinator at Shea Homes

Sophia Stamos is a(n) Sales and Marketing Coordinator working at Shea Homes.

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Other employees at Shea Homes

ABAlex Baird
Operations Manager, Trilogy ValorShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
NMNicole Murray
Division PresidentShea Homes
 @tay….com(480) Get contact
MDMark Donovan
Field ManagerShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
MSMike Shea @she….com(480) Get contact
JBJanet Benavidez
Corporate Vice President of Sales and MarketingShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
KWKeaton Wales
Operations InternShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
SRStephen Rilee
IT DirectorShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
JEJeb Elmore
directorShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
ADAngela Drogos
AccountantShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
AWAshley Williams
Regional Human Resources ManagerShea Homes
 @she….com(480) Get contact
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