Shwan Agha's Email Address and Phone Number

Junior Analyst at Abellio Group

Shwan Agha is a(n) Junior Analyst working at Abellio Group.

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Other employees at Abellio Group

DBDominic Booth
Managing DirectorAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
ABAiden Barr @abellio.comGet contact
MSMandy Sidhu
Facilities CoordinatorAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
LFLisa Fcipd
Group Head of HRAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
APAlan Pilbeam
Chief Operating Officer, Road and Ancillary Services, Abellio UKAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
CHChris Harris
Finance DirectorAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
PCPaul Cooper
Head of Rail Product StrategyAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
PHPaul Harvey
Marketing DirectorAbellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
HFHazel Freeman
Group Head of Security (CISO)Abellio Group
 @abellio.comGet contact
MSMichael Storer
Bus driverAbellio Group 3 Get contact
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