Shoukat Ashiti's Email Address and Phone Number

Postgraduate Student at The University of Manchester

Shoukat Ashiti is a(n) Postgraduate Student working at The University of Manchester.

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Other employees at The University of Manchester

PCPedro Chan @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
GHGuido Herrmann
Professor of Robotics and Intelligent ControlThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
ARAmin Rostami-Hodjegan
Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Director of Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research The University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
JWJason Wong
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Plastic SurgeryThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
KNKhalid Nadvi
Professor of International DevelopmentThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
MAMarwah Ahmed @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
SGSophie Gee
President - UoM Water Polo SocietyThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
HCHelen Cutts
Environmental Sustainability ManagerThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
RFRichard Fimea
Head of Environmental SustainabilityThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
APAmy Parkinson
Social Media Co-ordinatorThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
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