Sharika Menon's Email Address and Phone Number

Interior Design Professional at ZGF Architects

Sharika Menon is a(n) Interior Design Professional working at ZGF Architects.

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JBJulie Bronder @zgf.comGet contact
MDMarc Davies
Director Of Information TechnologyZGF Architects
 @zgf.comGet contact
NGNakeda Gilbert
Project AssistantZGF Architects Get contact
TTTrent Thelen
associate partnerZGF Architects Get contact
CSChristian Shoup
Associate, VisualizationZGF Architects Get contact
KSKari Skyles
Executive Assistant/Project AssistantZGF Architects Get contact
EHErin Hastings Get contact
MTMichael Tetzloff Get contact
TSTaka Soga Get contact
AZAmanda Zoller
People + Culture ManagerZGF Architects
 @zgf.comGet contact
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