Shakila Barabhuiya's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Communications Officer at Association of Colleges

Shakila Barabhuiya is a(n) Marketing and Communications Officer working at Association of Colleges.

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Other employees at Association of Colleges

LOLauren O'sullivan
National Football Development ManagerAoC Create contact
RARachel Almeida
Head of Events and SponsorshipAoC Create contact
CWCara Watson
Events ManagerAoC Create contact
NHNick Hawkins
National Football Development AdministratorAoC Create contact
COClaire O'donovan
Recruitment Manager (Interim Management), Education Recruitment, Executive SearchAoC Create contact
SWStephanie Wens
Training and Development ExecutiveAoC Create contact
CFClaudia Fragapane
Events CoordinatorAoC Create contact
HJHarpreet Jossan
Senior Recruitment ManagerAoC Create
 @aoc…o.ukGet contact
PSPeter Stewart
National Programme LeadAoC Create contact
JJJo Johnston
Managing Director (AoC Create)AoC Create
 @aoc…o.ukGet contact
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