Scot Teti's Email Address and Phone Number

Senior Design Architect at SHoP Architects

Scot Teti is a(n) Senior Design Architect working at SHoP Architects.

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SGSteven Garcia
Project DirectorSHoP Architects Get contact
JTJoanie Tom Get contact
SLShuping Liu Get contact
SLShao Lin
Junior DesignerSHoP Architects Get contact
RHRobert Hon Get contact
GBGraham Billings Get contact
ELElle Liao Get contact
DGDana Getman
Associate PrincipalSHoP Architects Get contact
JBJae Bae
Architectural DesignerSHoP Architects Get contact
ETEamon Tobin
Executive AssistantSHoP Architects Get contact
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