Sarah Jupina's Email Address and Phone Number

IP Paralegal at Tucker Ellis LLP

Sarah Jupina is a(n) IP Paralegal working at Tucker Ellis LLP.

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Other employees at Tucker Ellis LLP

JJJayne Juvan
Chair of M&A and Securities & Capital Markets PracticeTucker Ellis LLP
 @tuc….comGet contact
MBMarina Brustoski @tuc….com(216) Get contact
AJAmanda Johnson
Associate AttorneyTucker Ellis LLP
 @tuc….com(216) Get contact
MKMichelle Krall @tuc….com(216) Get contact
JLJohn Lewis
Partner, Trial DepartmentTucker Ellis LLP
 @tuc….com(216) Get contact
ACAnne Cruz @tuc….com(216) Get contact
JFJohn Favret @tuc….com(216) Get contact
AKArun Kottha @tuc….com(216) Get contact
NYNick York @tuc….com(216) Get contact
RJRichye Jamieson @tuc….com(216) Get contact
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