Samantha Shelton's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing Manager at PC Automated Controls, Inc.

Samantha Shelton is a(n) Marketing Manager working at PC Automated Controls, Inc.

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Other employees at PC Automated Controls, Inc.

DSDaniel Shelton @pca….comGet contact
PMPatricia Marcaida
Marketing RepresentativePC Automated Controls, Inc.
 @pca….com(915) Get contact
PCPatty Carrillo
Operations ManagerPC Automated Controls, Inc.
 @pca….com(915) Get contact
BFBenjamin Fuentez
Project RepresentativePC Automated Controls, Inc.
 @pca….com(915) Get contact
BLBob Linzey @pca….com(915) Get contact
GBGeorge Balderrama @pca….com(915) Get contact
RBRobert Brant @pca….com(915) Get contact
CQCairo Quezada
Support SpecialistPC Automated Controls, Inc.
 @pca….com(915) Get contact
LGLatrice Gibson @pca….com(915) Get contact
JSJeremie Sagely
Building Automation ControlsPC Automated Controls, Inc.
 @pca….com(915) Get contact
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