Rose Strittmatter's Email Address and Phone Number

Executive Assistant to the President at First Commonwealth Bank

Rose Strittmatter is a(n) Executive Assistant to the President working at First Commonwealth Bank.

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Other employees at First Commonwealth Bank

FZFrank Zink
SVP Corporate FinanceFirst Commonwealth Bank
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BRBethany Rose @fcb….comGet contact
CCChristopher Conner
Senior Product ManagerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
RSRachel Sufka
ATM Product ManagerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
CYChad Yancy
VP/Senior Product ManagerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
DLDean Lucas
Corporate BankerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
JGJane Grebenc
President, Chief Revenue OfficerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
MLMatthew Lee
Vice President, Corporate BankingFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
BWBrian Wagerer
AVP / IT Network ManagerFirst Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
VFVicki Fox
SVP/Diversity & Inclusion Officer First Commonwealth Bank
 @fcb….comGet contact
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