Romy Abrahams's Email Address and Phone Number

Investor Relations Manager at Foresight Group

Romy Abrahams is a(n) Investor Relations Manager working at Foresight Group.

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Other employees at Foresight Group

NSNick Scullion @for…p.euGet contact
SBSimona Befani
Associate DirectorForesight Group
 @for…p.euGet contact
STStephen Thayer
Director, Head of FinanceForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
SBStuart Baugh
Fund AccountantForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
RKRachel Kenny
Finance AssociateForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
MEMatthew Evans-Young
Investment ManagerForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
LFLucio Favale
Investment AnalystForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
GNGeorgie Newton
Financial AnalystForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
BTBen Thompson
Group Marketing DirectorForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
CMCarly Magee
Director, Infrastructure TeamForesight Group
 @for… 2 Get contact
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