Rocco Limongelli's Email Address and Phone Number

at Collyer Bristow LLP

Rocco Limongelli is a(n) working at Collyer Bristow LLP.

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Other employees at Collyer Bristow LLP

GHGlenn Hagon
Operations DirectorCollyer Bristow LLP
 @col….comGet contact
CWChristopher Wilsher
Director of Business Development and MarketingCollyer Bristow LLP
 @col….comGet contact
PSPaul Sillis @col….com+44 2 Get contact
AMAlan Marco @col….com+44 2 Get contact
GPGill Pepper @col….com+44 2 Get contact
JAJanet Armstrong-Fox @col….com+44 2 Get contact
JAJanine Alexander @col….com+44 2 Get contact
PDPeter Daniel @col….com+44 2 Get contact
JCJoe Cohen @col….com+44 2 Get contact
PHPam Hanley
Legal SecretaryCollyer Bristow LLP
 @col….com+44 2 Get contact
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