Roberto Benedetti's Email Address and Phone Number

Automation Service Engineer at Futura S.p.a.

Roberto Benedetti is a(n) Automation Service Engineer working at Futura S.p.a.

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Other employees at Futura S.p.a.

CVChristian Viviers
Vice PresidentFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
TOTouhami Outbaazit @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
DVDarryl Vries
Production & Engineering SupportFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
SGSebastian Gutierrez
Automation Service EngineerFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
MGMichelle Garrido
Procare Customer Service/ Spare partsFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
ACAndrea Catalini
progettista meccanico R&DFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
MAMichele Antonetti
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering ProfessionalFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
GGGiovacchino Giurlani
R&D and Technical DirectorFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
FMFabrizio Maggiora
Software EngineerFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
CCClaudio Cesare
Software EngineerFutura S.p.a.
 @fut….com+39 0 Get contact
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