Rachel Patrinely's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing Communications Specialist at Opportune LLP

Rachel Patrinely is a(n) Marketing Communications Specialist working at Opportune LLP.

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Other employees at Opportune LLP

JKJeanna Kostak @opp….com(713) Get contact
JPJoseph Pete @opp….com(713) Get contact
JSJosh Schulte
Senior ConsultantOpportune LLP
 @opp….com(713) Get contact
SLSergei Lissotchenko
Senior JIB AccountantOpportune LLP
 @opp….com(713) Get contact
BFBrittany Frazier @opp….com(713) Get contact
TJTatiana Jeffcott @opp….com(713) Get contact
SHSuzanne Holley
Executive AssistantOpportune LLP
 @opp….com(713) Get contact
MSMark Swann @opp….com(713) Get contact
JRJoshua Rouse
Corporate CounselOpportune LLP
 @opp….com(713) Get contact
RRRob Roberts
Director Process & TechnologyOpportune LLP
 @opp….com(713) Get contact
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