Quentin Driguzzi's Email Address and Phone Number

Comptable en alternance at Crowe Horwath AVVENS

Quentin Driguzzi is a(n) Comptable en alternance working at Crowe Horwath AVVENS.

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Other employees at Crowe Horwath AVVENS

AMAlice Monnet
Auditeur juniorCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
AMAurelie Mariet
Responsable Pôle PaieCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
GTGonzalez Thomas
Manager - Audit FinancierCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
LBLaura Banc
Auditeur juniorCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
CPClemence Peterschmitt
Expert-comptable stagiaireCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
AJAdrien Jacquemet
Auditeur financier seniorCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
CCCamille Calve
Auditeur financierCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
PMPierre Munoz
Chef de missionCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
STSylviane Truong
Auditeur confirméCrowe Horwath AVVENS
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
AGAnne Grappin
 @avvens.com+33 4 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 40 results

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VLValentine Lavigne
Assistant comptable en alternanceDeloitte France
 @deloitte.fr+33 1 Get contact
TBThomas Boulay
Collaborateur comptable en alternanceDeloitte France
 @deloitte.fr+33 1 Get contact
DTDjeloul Tighidet
Assistant comptable en alternanceHEREZ
 @herez.fr+33 1 Get contact
BVBelkihal Vincent
Comptable en alternanceSEGECO
 @segeco.fr+33 4 Get contact
Displaying 5 of 5 results