Patricia Naveira's Email Address and Phone Number

Ingeniero at Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.

Patricia Naveira is a(n) Ingeniero working at Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.

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Other employees at Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.

TCTulio Cortez
Estagiário de engenharia desenvolvimento do produtoHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
TAThais Aguiar
Estagiário de recursos humanosHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
JSJoao Segantini
Supervisor de ProduçãoHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
SCSaul Castela @hut…n.frGet contact
VCVictor Corral
Ingeniero Diseño/Moldes/IndustrializaciónHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
MOMarcel Oliveira @hut…n.frGet contact
DRDanivaldo Rebuco @hut…n.frGet contact
CACassia Alves
Analista da Qualidade e Auditora InternaHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
SBSilvia Bevilacqua @hut…n.frGet contact
LFLuciane Fernandes
Analista de ImportaçãoHutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda.
 @hut…n.frGet contact
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