Pam Roche's Email Address and Phone Number

Volunteer Co-ordinator at Barnardo's

Pam Roche is a(n) Volunteer Co-ordinator working at Barnardo's.

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Other employees at Barnardo's

CGCarol-Ann Guruge
Team ManagerBarnardo's
 @bar…g.uk020 8 Get contact
MVMarcel Varney
Assistant Director Children's ServicesBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
RPRebecca Polsom
Nursery ManagerBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
JDJacqui Dunbar
Participation Development WorkerBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
JBJanet Byrne-Goddard
Family Group Conference Co-ordinator & Team LeaderBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
DMDeepali Manek
Business Development ManagerBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
NHNaomi Harley
 @bar… 2 Get contact
SKStephanie Kilili @bar… 2 Get contact
JHJacqui Hughes
Area Business ManagerBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
EJEmma James
Adoption, Leaving Care and looked after children - Policy and ResearchBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 1275 results

Similar people to Pam Roche

KWKaren Wray
Mentor / Volunteer co-ordinatorBarnardo's
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SFSarah Fairlamb
Sessional Volunteer Co-ordinatorNSPCC
 @nsp…g.ukGet contact
CFCaroline Faherty
Fundraiser/ Volunteer Co-ordinator/Animal Welfare OfficerCork Animal Care Society
 @ani…y.ieGet contact
CCCrystal Crawford
Volunteer Co-ordinator, Independent Visitor ConsortiumAction for Children
 @act… 3 Get contact
JWJanice Walsh
Volunteer Co-ordinatorTime2Share
 @tim… 1 Get contact
SPSamantha Percival
Volunteer Co-ordinator (North of England)Mencap
 @men…g.ukGet contact
KGKassandra Gordon
Volunteer Co-ordinatorLifeline Project Ltd
 @lif… 1 Get contact
CCCheryl Clapham
Volunteer Co-ordinatorWellChild
 @wel… 1 Get contact
LSLisa Sandercock
Volunteer Co-ordinator - Children's ServicesBarnardo's
 @bar… 2 Get contact
GMGill Macgregor
Volunteer Co-ordinator, West and South-West ScotlandParkinson's UK
 @par… 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 52 results