Olivia Najjar's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing Coordinator at NuFACE

Olivia Najjar is a(n) Marketing Coordinator working at NuFACE.

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Other employees at NuFACE

MVManisha Varaiya
Sr. Business AnalystNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
DCDan Conway
Sr. Manager, FP&ANuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
NVNadia Vazirzadeh
Regulatory Affairs SpecialistNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
MAMegan Auley
Accounts Receivable SpecialistNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
MMMichelle Martello
Regional Acct managerNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
CHCandle Horton
Retail specialstNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
NWNancy-Lee Williams
E-Commerce Sales SpeacalistNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
CHChelsea Hoffman
Customer Service & Compliance ManagerNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
BNBrandy Nolen
Southeast Regional Account ManagerNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
JPJennifer Plumb
Inside SalesNuFACE
 @myn….com(888) Get contact
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