Nojan Sheybani's Email Address and Phone Number

Graduate Student Researcher at UC San Diego

Nojan Sheybani is a(n) Graduate Student Researcher working at UC San Diego.

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Other employees at UC San Diego

LVLuca Vivo
PHD ResearcherUC San Diego Get contact
MMMona Mba
Wellness and Engagement ManagerUC San Diego Get contact
PLPatrick Liu
Orientation LeaderUC San Diego Get contact
MCMirona Constantinescu
Frontend Developer / SharePoint DeveloperUC San Diego Get contact
KHKevin Hung @ucsd.eduGet contact
FIFrancisco Iii Get contact
KSKathryn Sebuck
Mentor & Speaker UC San Diego Get contact
MAMatt Apr
Senior Executive Director of Public RelationsUC San Diego Get contact
NLNathan Lewis
Associate ProfessorUC San Diego Get contact
RNRobert Neuhard
Executive Director, Strategic InitiativesUC San Diego Get contact
Displaying 10 of 621 results

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 @ucsd.eduGet contact
YYYu-Ying Yeh
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 @ucsd.eduGet contact
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Displaying 10 of 49 results