Nicole Vair's Email Address and Phone Number

Communications Coordinator at YMCA of Greater Saint John

Nicole Vair is a(n) Communications Coordinator working at YMCA of Greater Saint John.

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Other employees at YMCA of Greater Saint John

EMElaine Macdonald
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer and Board of DirectorsYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
MBMelanie Burns
Settlement CounsellorYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
AMAmos Muir @sai….com(506) Get contact
CCCara Coes
General Manager Membership, Fitness and AquaticsYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
YRYulia Roherty
ESL Literacy InstructorYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
JWJoanna Wilkin
Assisted in the settlement of refugeesYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
ASAngelique Simpson
Vice President, Newcomer and Community ConnectionsYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
YYYuki Yang
Administrative AssistantYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
KMKathryn Melvin
Arrival Services Team LeadYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
SBShilo Boucher
Chief Executive Officer and PresidentYMCA of Greater Saint John
 @sai….com(506) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 16 results

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APAbby Perry
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BMBeth Murin
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CSCaitlin Silveira
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JSJennifer Stead
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