Neil Glasbey's Email Address and Phone Number

Animation Supervisor at Double Negative

Neil Glasbey is a(n) Animation Supervisor working at Double Negative.

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Other employees at Double Negative

KSKiran Sharma
Global Head- FP&A ( Stereo and ReDefine)DNEG
 @pri….comGet contact
MDMichael D'sa 2 Get contact
ADAmy Dunn
PA/Team Assistant to the Global Management TeamDouble Negative 2 Get contact
ARAlexandra Reekie
HR ManagerDouble Negative 2 Get contact
KNKatrina Navassartian
Visual Effects VFX Associate ProducerDouble Negative 2 Get contact
KKKarna Kapila
HR AdministratorDouble Negative 2 Get contact
KBKevin Borjon-Piron
Junior Character TDDouble Negative 2 Get contact
HCHarriette Cates
TD GeneralistDouble Negative 2 Get contact
FPFraehan Pagdiwalla
VFX Production ManagerDouble Negative 2 Get contact
SASimon Arnold
Head of VFX EditorialDouble Negative 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 1300 results

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