Praticima Email Format


Company Profile

Praticima is a Surgical and Medical Instruments and Apparatus company. Praticima SIC code is 3841 and NAICS code is 339112.

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111 employees

Praticima Employees

FCFation Ceka
Head of Corporate Credit RiskNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.grGet contact
SASotiris Alexiou
Deputy Director of Strategic Planning & Retail CollectionsNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.grGet contact
YKYiannis Koumblis
Director of Retail Collections Strategy & SupportNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.grGet contact
BKBranislav Kosanovic
regional managerNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
AEAdel Elbadrawy
Retail Service HeadNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
APApostolos Panagiotopoulos
Banking Systems AnalystNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
IKIoannis Koutsogkilas @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
PCPolymnia Chasioti
NETWORK EMPLOYEENational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
CKChristoforos Kountourakis
Relationship ManagerNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
YVYiannis Vagionitis
Group Chief Risk OfficerNational Bank of Greece
 @nbg.gr011 3 Get contact
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