Manhattanville College Email Format


Company Profile

Manhattanville College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Manhattanville College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
420 employees

Manhattanville College Employees

DDDonald Dean
Director Of Human ResourcesManhattanville College
 @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
CCCara Cea
Assistant Vice President for Communications and MarketingManhattanville College
 @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
JRJim Russell
CIO and VP for Digital Strategy and PlanningManhattanville College
 @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
ACAlison Carson
Associate Provost for Academic Innovation and Design ThinkingManhattanville College
 @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
LFLouise Feroe
Interim ProvostManhattanville College
 @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
JMJennifer Messina
Human Resources GeneralistManhattanville College (9 Get contact
MGMichael Geisler @man….edu+1 (9 Get contact
FGFernando Gomez
Bilingual education professorManhattanville College Get contact
DRDianna Robinson
Adjunct ProfessorManhattanville College Get contact
SNSarah Napoli
Director of the Center for InclusionManhattanville College Get contact
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