Michelle Hodges's Email Address and Phone Number

Accounts Assistant at Mewburn Ellis LLP

Michelle Hodges is a(n) Accounts Assistant working at Mewburn Ellis LLP.

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Other employees at Mewburn Ellis LLP

JTJasmin Tunstead
Patent SecretaryMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.comGet contact
SHShaun Harvey
Chief Financial & Operating OfficerMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.comGet contact
RWRebecca Williams
Client Service Administration AssistantMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
JAJohn Addiss
Patent AttorneyMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
ACAlice Cogan
Credit Control ManagerMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
MSMatthew Smith
Partner, Patent AttorneyMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
SPSimon Parry
Chartered Patent Attorney, PartnerMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
LPLaura Pediani
Legal SecretaryMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
EMEleanor Maciver
Trainee Patent AttorneyMewburn Ellis LLP
 @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
LCLillian Cunliffe @mewburn.com+44 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 86 results

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TMTom Mcilhagga
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JGJoanna Gregg
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DGDarren Gaughan
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DCDanielle Coyle
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NMNisha Mattu
Accounts AssistantTuckers Solicitors
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CLChern Lee
Accounts assistantHerbert Smith Freehills
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JLJennifer Lay
General Accounts AssistantMichael Bula Solicitors
 @mbs…m.auGet contact
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