Michelle Herring's Email Address and Phone Number

Design and Technology Teacher at Southend High School for Girls

Michelle Herring is a(n) Design and Technology Teacher working at Southend High School for Girls.

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Other employees at Southend High School for Girls

NTNicole Tanner @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
SBSally Brierley @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
JMJacqueline Moffat @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
LBLee Boney @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
SLShilpe Latif
Independent learning supervisorSouthend High School for Girls
 @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
MHMartin Highmore
Head of Computer ScienceSouthend High School for Girls
 @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
MTMaria Tighe-Andrade @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
JBJoanne Bicknell
English as an Additional Language TeacherSouthend High School for Girls
 @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
FKFilip Kaleta @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
EAEllis Ashley @shsg.org+44 1 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 15 results

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