Marion Pietri's Email Address and Phone Number

Revenue Manager at TEMMOS

Marion Pietri is a(n) Revenue Manager working at TEMMOS.

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Other employees at TEMMOS

LFLaurence Favret
Responsable Commerciale MICETEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
MBMatthieu Berard
Restaurant ManagerTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
BPBlandine Piffard
Tour Operators Sales ManagerTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
APAntoine Picchi
Agent de réservationTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
BCBenoit Cros
Food Beverage ManagerTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
JRJerome Ridel
Directeur Boutique Hotel Le Morgane et restaurant Le BistrotTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
YCYann Crottet
Directeur d'exploitation - Hôtel Le Refuge des Aiglons****TEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
CMCarolina Mendez
Serveuse poli valanteTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
APAurelien Peythieu
kitchen chiefTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
DSDaniele Sambati
Responsabile ristorazione eventiTEMMOS
 @temmos.comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 24 results

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