Marc Michael's Email Address and Phone Number

President and CEO at SPX FLOW, Inc.

Marc Michael is a(n) President and CEO working at SPX FLOW, Inc.

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+1 70 

Other employees at SPX FLOW, Inc.

LLLezlie Lecher
Director, HR Systems and PayrollSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
KZKathryn Zachrich
Talent Acquisition Manager, AmericasSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
MDMike Davis
Senior Director, Global Indirect SourcingSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
DTDabbies Tan
Payroll AnalystSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
HGHeike Grunwald
Senior Project ManagerSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
CMChristopher Ms
Environmental Health & Safety ManagerSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
BMBrandon Marvin
Environmental Health & Safety ManagerSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
SPSimon Phillips
Vice President Global Sales SPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
RBRobert Banks
Commercial Director UK & Ireland - Food & BeverageSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
DGDavid Grundy
HR Director - Global SalesSPX FLOW, Inc. 70 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 94 results

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