Manoj K's Email Address and Phone Number

Cloud/DevOps Engineer at JSI | John Snow, Inc.

Manoj K is a(n) Cloud/DevOps Engineer working at JSI | John Snow, Inc.

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Other employees at JSI | John Snow, Inc.

PSPaul Sichalwe
Operations Manager - USAID SAFE: Supporting An AIDS-Free Era ProgramJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
AFAmelia Fox
Project AssociateJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
LMLori Meyers
Digital Asset ManagerJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
BHBabar Hussain
Director Sub Awards and ComplianceJSI | John Snow, Inc. Get contact
KMKembo Mph
Program Officer, Center for Digital HealthJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
HDHeather Danton
Project Director, USAID Advancing NutritionJohn Snow Research and Training Institute
 @jsi.comGet contact
AMAisha Moore
Project DirectorJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
JWJoshua Wocher
Executive RecruiterJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
VKVinod Kumar
Project Manager AnalystJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
ABAlex Baker
Chief Operating OfficerJSI | John Snow, Inc.
 @jsi.comGet contact
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