Maintenance Department's Email Address and Phone Number

maintenance at Barter Theatre

Maintenance Department is a(n) maintenance working at Barter Theatre.

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Other employees at Barter Theatre

VSVictoria Sutton
AEA Assistant Stage ManagerBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
HIHannah Ingram
Resident ActorBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
KDKenny Davis
House Manager/Volunteer CoodinatorBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
CKChristine Kelley
Wardrobe AssistantBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
HLHana Lee
Assistant Scenic DesignerBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
JLJosh Levinson @bar….com(276) Get contact
MBMackenzie Barrett
Props JourneymanBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
KSKaren Sabo
Director of EducationBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
MAMegan Atkinson
Artist in ResidencyBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
LMLauren Musick
Advancement Officer, Foundation Giving and Donor EventsBarter Theatre
 @bar….com(276) Get contact
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SCShepherd Chimbira
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RGRegi George
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YRYadava Rokalla
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SHScott Hangliter
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JGJim Gillies
Maintenance supervisorHurley's Media Ltd
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