Madeleine Bahar's Email Address and Phone Number

Research Volunteer at Dumbarton House

Madeleine Bahar is a(n) Research Volunteer working at Dumbarton House.

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Other employees at Dumbarton House

SBStephanie Boyle
Education ManagerDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
CACarley Altenburger
Curatorial and Collections Management InternDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
OSOlivia Sayah
Museum TeacherDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
GOGloria Ornelas
Docent at Dumbarton House Historical MuseumDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
HHHillary Hughes
Program and Events ManagerDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
JFJerry Foust
Collections & Facilities ManagerDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
ASAndrew Sharp
Events SupervisorDumbarton House
 @dum….org(202) Get contact
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SJSigne Jacobsen
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MFMatthew Fowler
Research VolunteerMuseum of Perth
 @mus… 4 Get contact
SKSharon Kelly
Research VolunteerLovell Historical Society
 @lov….org(207) Get contact
JSJudi Squire @met….org(800) Get contact
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