Lucy Firmin's Email Address and Phone Number

Accounting Trainee at Wilkins Kennedy LLP

Lucy Firmin is a(n) Accounting Trainee working at Wilkins Kennedy LLP.

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Other employees at Wilkins Kennedy LLP

WPWilliam Payne
Partner in firm of Chartered AccountantsWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
CCChloe Cox
HR AdministratorWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
TCTracey Crank
Head of Outsource (Winchester & Romsey)Wilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
SNSarah Nightingale @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
BEBruce Elkins @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
JHJoanna Holmes
Regional HR Manager & HR ConsultantWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
SESimon Everett @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
TTTracy Trowbridge
Payroll AdministratorWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
CAColin Andrews
Personal Tax ManagerWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
LCLynn Chamberlain
Personal Tax ManagerWilkins Kennedy LLP
 @wil….com+44 2 Get contact
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