Uofl Email Format


Company Profile

Uofl is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Uofl SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
14 employees

Uofl Employees

MNMallika Nellore @lou….eduGet contact
SDSherry Duffy
Interim Director of Research Development and Support, School of Public Health & Information SciencesUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
ATAndrew Tucker
University Fellow, Phd Candidate University of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
ASAngela Sprowl
Director of Development University of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
MWMatthew Willinger
Executive Director of UofL Alumni Association University of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
BMBrent Mmm
Associate Dean for Rural Health InnovationUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
ALAmanda Lucas
Social Media Marketing and Communications - College of BusinessUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
DBDonna Bartman
Director of Human Capital Management SystemsUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
LHLeah Hazelwood
Cardinal Ambassador- Office of Communications and MarketingUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
TCTamekka Cornelius
Director, Graduate Recruitment and Diversity RetentionUniversity of Louisville
 @lou….eduGet contact
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