Lisa Smyth's Email Address and Phone Number

Office Manager at Akhter Computers plc

Lisa Smyth is a(n) Office Manager working at Akhter Computers plc.

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Other employees at Akhter Computers plc

LSLawrence Sabastin
Medical TranscriptionAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
MEMohammed Edib
Director of ProcurementAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
MHMohamed Hamakarim
Purchasing ManagerAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
SMShahab Muhammad
Store InchargeAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
MAMalik Alvi @akh… 1 Get contact
JLJames Lattimore
Digital Media/Marketing ApprenticeAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
STSteve Tiller
Webmaster for Akhter Computers and Ultima NetworksAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
TATahir Abbas
Accounts OfficerAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
ASAlan Seedhouse
Software Development DirectorAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
CSConor Scully
Computer TechnicianAkhter Computers plc
 @akh… 1 Get contact
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