Lisa Savidis's Email Address and Phone Number

Law Clerk & Licensed Paralegal at Lerners LLP

Lisa Savidis is a(n) Law Clerk & Licensed Paralegal working at Lerners LLP.

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Other employees at Lerners LLP

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HNHollie Nicol
AssociateLerners LLP Get contact
SBStephanie Beltrano
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RLRocco Lapadula
Facilties ClerkLerners LLP Get contact
GTGlenna Thompson-Campbell
Senior Legal Assistant/Law ClerkLerners LLP Get contact
SFSonia Fabiani Get contact
LSLaura Sparrow
Accident Benefits Law ClerkLerners LLP Get contact
NGNigel Gilby
Partner and Personal Injury Practice Group LeaderLerners LLP Get contact
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