Leane Evangelista's Email Address and Phone Number

Accounts Assistant at OES Asset Integrity Management

Leane Evangelista is a(n) Accounts Assistant working at OES Asset Integrity Management.

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Other employees at OES Asset Integrity Management

MFMuhammad Farooq @oes….com+971  Get contact
NVNick Van-Ackeren
HSE Drops and Fall Prevention Specialist for IPM SchlumbergerOES Asset Integrity Management
 @oes….com+971  Get contact
CPCarlos Pereira @oes….com+971  Get contact
HMHassan Malik @oes….com+971  Get contact
VAValdecir Andre @oes….com+971  Get contact
STSimon Turner
Lead Lifting equipment InspectorOES Asset Integrity Management
 @oes….com+971  Get contact
SSSergio Soares @oes….com+971  Get contact
GRGabriel Rocha @oes….com+971  Get contact
KMKyle Mcmeiken @oes….com+971  Get contact
LJLee Johnstone
Slinging and RiggingOES Asset Integrity Management
 @oes….com+971  Get contact
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