Kristie Infantine's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing Manager at University of San Diego

Kristie Infantine is a(n) Marketing Manager working at University of San Diego.

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Other employees at University of San Diego

DKDavid Kaplan
Director of Enrollment, Business, and Student ServicesUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
LJLoryn Johnson
Director of Marketing and LicensingUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
BWBrittany Williams
Study Abroad ManagerUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
R(Rangapriya (Priya)
Associate Dean, Faculty & Accreditation, Professor, Innovation & EntrepreneurshipUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
JKJohn Kelly @san….edu(619) Get contact
WEWalt Edd
Adjunct Professor for Organizational BehaviorUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
AAAndrew Allen
Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic InitiativesUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
LELori Ermac-Nash
Executive Assistant IIUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
THThomas Herrinton
Associate ProvostUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
RDRahul Dhiman
Manager Enterprise ApplicationUniversity of San Diego
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 684 results

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