Kianna Chang's Email Address and Phone Number

Audience Engagement Editor at PEOPLE Magazine |

Kianna Chang is a(n) Audience Engagement Editor working at PEOPLE Magazine |

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Other employees at PEOPLE Magazine |

DFDana Falcone
Entertainment Staff WriterPEOPLE Magazine |
 @people.comGet contact
WPWill Prigge @people.comGet contact
KOKristen O'brien @people.comGet contact
RDRachel Desantis @people.comGet contact
CCCristina Coppin @people.comGet contact
JRJanine Rubenstein
Host of PEOPLE Every Day / Editor-at-LargePEOPLE Magazine |
 @people.comGet contact
MPMaria Pasquini Get contact
RVRonaldi Vergara Get contact
EHErin Hill
Deputy Digital EditorPEOPLE Magazine | Get contact
EAElaine Aradillas Get contact
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RSRebecca Shinners
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MDMike Denison
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 @sci….org(202) Get contact
KGKelsey Gripenstraw
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KVKatie Vogel
Audience Engagement Editor, OhioEnquirer Media
 @enq….com(513) Get contact
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